In accordance with the European Union’s understanding of sustainability, sustainability is not to be limited to ecological aspects alone, but should rather take into account the entire ESG spectrum (Environment, Social and Governance). Osiris Asset Management Ltd. is subject to disclosure obligations in this regard under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (Disclosure Regulation). In fulfilment of these disclosure obligations, we disclose the following:
Osiris Asset Management Ltd. is aware of its responsibility to ensure a future worth living for generations to come. Osiris Asset Management Ltd. currently does not implement the strategies provided for under EU regulations to incorporate sustainability risks in the investment decision-making process or investment advisory process and consequently does not consider the adverse impact on sustainability factors. This is due, among other things, to the fact that not all relevant information in this regard is yet available. Osiris Asset Management Ltd. compensation policy does not set any negative incentives to disregard sustainability risks. However, we will closely monitor developments in this area and will provide more details in case of some significant changes.